V I E W I N G F L A G S This program displays representations of the National Flags of all169 independent nations of the world. In addition, hundreds of naval,regional, and historical flags are also represented. To view the flags, type the number of the desired area of the worldat the Master Menu for a menu of the nations of that area. At each AreaMenu you may also type the number of a Special Menu at the bottom of thescreen for flags relating to the nations of that area. Type the letterin front of any flag on any menu to view that flag. If you have a CGA (rather than an EGA) monitor, then some flags arepresent in two variations: one showing the proper colors, and one pre-senting more accurate detail. To view the alternate version of a flagmarked with an asterisk (*), hold down the <Alt> key and type the letterof that flag. M E N U / F L A G K E Y S Use the following keys at an Area Menu or Special Menu: PgDn - Move to next menu PgUp - Move to previous menu Home - Move to first menu (Western Europe or United Kingdom) End - Move to last menu (South America/Pacific or International) Esc - Return to Master Menu (if in Area Menu) or former Area Menu Use the following keys when viewing a flag: PgUp/PgDn - View previous or next flag Home - View flag originally chosen after viewing others F1 - View information on this flag's nation F2 - Change flag colors Esc/Space - Return to menu from which flag was chosen S P E C I A L F E A T U R E S Flag Quiz - Type `8' at the Master Menu for a quiz on the flags. Continuous - Type `9' at the Master Menu for a continuous display of flags. Each flag is shown for a short time, then the next is shown. Press <Esc> at any point to end the display and return to the Master Menu (or press any other key during the display to go immediately to the next flag). Information - Press <F1> for instructions or information on flags. Flag Colors - Press <F2> at any time to change flag colors. Histories - Type the number in front of the desired history listed at the bottom of the United Kingdom or United States Special Menu, then follow the prompts, for histories of flags. I N F O R M A T I O N / H I S T O R Y K E Y S Use the following keys when viewing national information: PgUp/PgDn - View infomation on previous/next nation Home - View nation originally chosen after viewing others 1/2/3/4 - View comparative lists, then press any key to return to the national information screen Esc/Space - Return to display of former flag Use the following keys when viewing flag histories: PgUp/PgDn - Jump backwards/forwards one history screen Esc - Abort history and return to former Area Menu Any other - Go immediately to next stage of the history There is a Secret Menu somewhere of flags designed by the programmer. W E S T E R N E U R O P E While many of the European flags were adopted officially only inrecent times, the colors used, representing the nations, date back hun-dreds of years to colors worn in battle to easily identify the warriorsor to coats of arms representing the ruling families, which developedover the years into the National Flags of today. Prominent in many ofthe European flags are wide stripes, either horizontal or vertical, andthe use of crosses, reflecting the nations' Christian heritage. The flag of Denmark, the `Dannebrog' (Spirit of Denmark), is theoldest of all National Flags still in use. All other Scandinavian flagsderive from its design. The French Flag, based on the Parisian Flag but with a white stripeadded for peace, was adopted during the French Revolution, and has cometo symbolize liberty, inspiring many other flags (such as the Italian,Irish, and numerous Latin American and African flags). E A S T E R N E U R O P E & F A R E A S T This area of the world includes the majority of Communist countries,whose National Flags often feature the symbols of Communism originatingfrom the Soviet flag: the color red with yellow, the five-pointed star,and tools, symbolizing the working classes. Prominent in several flags of eastern Asia are circles representingthe sun, originating in Japan, the `Land of the Rising Sun', where thesun symbol has been used by emperors and warriors for centuries. The modern flags of the various regions of Japan are striking bothbecause of their use of color and because of the interesting geometricalpatterns used. The turbulent recent history of Kampuchea (or Cambodia) has produceda number of different flags for that nation, each of which has shown adepiction of the ancient temple at Angkor Wat. M I D D L E E A S T Dominant in this area of the world are the Islamic nations, whoseflags often feature the colors green, red, white, and black; the cres-cent moon; and the five-pointed star: all symbols of Islam. The flag of Nepal is the only National Flag which is not rectangularin shape. Its shape represents the Himalayas (including Mount Everest),the highest mountains in the world. The flag of Saudi Arabia is the only National Flag featuring wordsas its primary point of interest. The inscription, in Arabic, reads:"There is no God but Allah, and Mohammed is His Prophet." N O R T H E R N A F R I C A Many of the nations in northern Africa are Islamic, and so the five-pointed star and the crescent are present in a number of flags in thisarea of the world. (See also the Middle East.) Also common in many flags of northern Africa are the "Pan-AfricanColors": green, red, and yellow. (See also Southern Africa.) The nation of Liberia was founded in the early 1800s as a colony forfreed American slaves wishing to return to Africa, and its flag is areflection of this association with the United States. S O U T H E R N A F R I C A Prominent in many flags of southern Africa are the colors green,red, and yellow, taken from the flag of Ethiopia, considered to be theoldest independent nation in Africa. These colors came to representpan-African unity and the liberation of many former colonies in Africasince the late 1950s. Many of the flags also echo the French tricolorpattern, symbolizing liberty. Also common among flags of this area are depictions of shields andother traditional tribal objects, reflecting these nations' indigenousculture and heritage. N O R T H A M E R I C A The flags of the Canadian provinces tend to reflect their Europeanorigins: Scottish (Nova Scotia), French (Quebec), and English (BritishColumbia, Newfoundland, and Ontario). Many of the U.S. state flags represented here are variatioins on theUnited States "Stars and Stripes" design. However, since most stateflags feature the official State Seal (usually on a plain blue field),these have been omitted. Although never under British rule, the flag ofHawaii, adopted in 1845 when Hawaii was an independent nation, is the only U.S. flag which displays an allegiance to any foreign nation. Most of the flags of Central America are based on a pattern of blue,white, then blue stripes, inspired by the flag of Argentina, and datingfrom 1821, when the United Provinces of Central America became indepen-dent from Spain. The union split in 1839, but its flag formed the basisfor the present flags of Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua,and Costa Rica. S O U T H A M E R I C A & P A C I F I C The flags of Chile, Uruguay, and of a number of the states of Brazilreflect the influence of the United States Flag, a symbol of independ-ence from colonial rule. The flag of the United (Maori) Tribes of New Zealand and the Austra-lian Eureka Stockade Flag, both dating from the mid-1800s, initiated theuse in the South Pacific of crosses made from multi-pointed stars as asymbol of independence. Frequently, these stars came to be arranged inthe pattern of the constellation of the Southern Cross, symbolizing theSouthern Hemisphere of the globe. Also common among many flags of the Pacific is the inclusion of theBritish Union Flag, reflecting these nations' membership in the BritishCommonwealth of Nations. F L A G Q U I Z Choose the desired level of difficulty (the number of flags given tochoose from), and the desired category (the area of the world). Morepoints are given the higher the level or the more flags in the category. A number of choices of nations will be presented. Take a moment tolook them over. Then press any key. As soon as you recognize the flagbeing formed, press any key. The sooner this key is pressed, the morepoints given (or deducted if the guess is incorrect). After pressing a key, the choices are re-displayed. Type the numberof your guess. The computer will show the correct answer, and give ordeduct points accordingly. Then press any key again for a new list ofchoices. You may abort the quiz at any time by pressing <Esc>. C H A N G I N G C O L O R S Use the Cursor Arrow keys to move from color to color. Type theletter of the desired new color after the box of the color you wish tochange (Example: To change red to purple, type `F' after `Red'). Press<F2> to return to the program with the changed colors, or press <Esc> toresume the true colors. Flags are shown on CGA (not EGA) Monitors using one of two modes: Text (where the name of the flag appears under it), or Graphics (where the name appears above the flag). All colors in Text Mode may be changed by using the above procedure.In Graphics Mode, the background may be any color. Then a choice mustbe made among the various Color Sets by typing in the appropriate numberafter the relevant bar in the right-hand window (present only with CGA).If you have an EGA monitor, then all colors may be changed. MOST POPULOUS LEAST POPULOUS 1 China 1,130,065,000 169 Vatican City 1,000 2 India 850,067,000 168 Nauru 8,000 3 Soviet Union 290,939,000 167 Tuvalu 9,000 4 United States 250,372,000 166 San Marino 23,000 5 Indonesia 169,266,000 165 Monaco 29,000 6 Brazil 153,771,000 164 Liechtenstein 30,000 7 Japan 123,778,000 163 Saint Kitts 40,000 8 Nigeria 118,865,000 162 Andorra 51,000 9 Bangladesh 117,976,000 161 Antigua 64,00010 Pakistan 113,163,000 160 Kiribati 65,00011 Mexico 88,335,000 159 Seychelles 71,00012 Germany 77,555,000 158 Grenada 84,00013 Vietnam 68,488,000 157 Dominica 85,00014 Philippines 66,647,000 156 Saint Vincent 106,00015 Italy 57,657,000 155 Tonga 108,000LARGEST (Square Miles) SMALLEST 1 Soviet Union 8,649,496 169 Vatican City 0.17 2 Canada 3,851,809 168 Monaco 0.73 3 China 3,705,390 167 Nauru 8 4 United States 3,618,770 166 Tuvalu 9 5 Brazil 3,286,470 165 San Marino 23 6 Australia 2,966,200 164 Liechtenstein 62 7 India 1,266,595 163 Saint Kitts 101 8 Argentina 1,065,189 162 Maldives 115 9 Sudan 966,757 161 Malta 122 10 Algeria 918,497 160 Grenada 133 11 Zaire 905,563 159 Saint Vincent 150 12 Saudi Arabia 839,996 158 Barbados 166 13 Mexico 761,604 157 Antigua 171 14 Indonesia 735,268 156 Seychelles 171 15 Libya 679,359 155 Andorra 185 MOST DENSELY POPULATED (Per Sq Mi) LEAST DENSELY POPULATED 1 Monaco 39,726.0 169 Mongolia 3.6 2 Singapore 12,067.0 168 Namibia 4.3 3 Vatican City 5,882.4 167 Mauritania 5.1 4 Malta 3,057.4 166 Botswana 5.3 5 Bangladesh 2,122.0 165 Australia 5.6 6 Bahrain 1,984.5 164 Libya 6.3 7 Maldives 1,904.3 163 Iceland 6.3 8 Barbados 1,566.3 162 Suriname 6.5 9 Taiwan 1,473.1 161 Canada 6.910 Mauritius 1,445.6 160 Guyana 9.211 South Korea 1,155.0 159 Chad 10.212 Nauru 1,000.0 158 Gabon 10.313 San Marino 958.3 157 Central Africa 12.014 Netherlands 942.5 156 Niger 15.715 Tuvalu 900.0 155 Bolivia 15.9RICHEST (Average Income in $) POOREST 1 Qatar 27,000 166 Bangladesh 113 2 Switzerland 26,309 165 Ethiopia 121 3 Iceland 21,660 164 Zaire 142 4 Brunei 20,000 163 Bhutan 150 5 Nauru 20,000 162 Chad 158 6 Denmark 19,750 161 Nepal 160 7 Germany 18,248 160 Guinea-Bissau 170 8 United States 16,444 159 Burkina Faso 170 9 Japan 15,030 158 Vietnam 18010 Liechtenstein 15,000 157 Mali 20011 Australia 14,458 156 Myanmar 21012 Italy 14,383 155 Uganda 22013 Norway 13,790 154 Afghanistan 22014 Luxembourg 13,380 153 Burundi 23915 United Kingdom 13,329 152 Togo 240